[Black and White Reverse] and then debug. When debugging is finished, click Apply-Exit to
return to the upper interface, and then click [Apply]-[Close].
Select the noumenon of this IC by using the [Polar Box] (note: if the component has no direction,
you can choose the [None-polar Box]) (note: if the IC is too large, you don't need to make the
noumenon frame of the IC). As shown in the following figure:
In the property interface, the [Region Method] is used for noumenon by default. If the noumenon
is unclear, check [Mean] or [Maximum]. In addition, the first three light source channels can be
matched at will. You can also adjust [Brightness] and [Contrast] to make the image clear, and
then click [Apply]-[Close].
After each individual inspection drawing is completed, select all the component boxes, and then
click the right mouse button to select [Merge Comp]. As shown in the following figure: