User’s Manual U15109EJ3V0UD
(3) P20 to P27 (port 2) ··· 3-state I/O
P20 to P27 function as an 8-bit I/O port in which input and output can be specified in 1-bit units.
In addition to I/O port pins, these pins can also be used as I/O pins for the serial interface, timer/counter, and
IEBus data.
(a) Port function
P20 to P27 can be set to input or output in 1-bit units using the port 2 mode register (PM2).
(b) Alternate functions
SI2 (serial input 2) ··· Input
This is the serial receive data input pin for CSI2.
SO2 (serial output 2) ··· Output
This is the serial transmit data output pin for CSI2.
(iii) SCK2 (serial clock 2) ··· 3-state I/O
This is the serial clock I/O pin for CSI2.
(iv) SDA1 (serial data 1) ... Input
This is the serial transmit/receive data I/O pin for I
SCL1 (serial clock 1) ... I/O
This is the serial clock I/O pin for I
(vi) TI90 (timer input 90) ... Input
This is the external count clock input and external capture trigger input pin for timer 9.
(vii) TI91 (timer input 91) ... Input
This is the external capture trigger input pin for timer 9.
(viii) TO9 (timer output 9) ... Output
This is the pulse signal output pin for timer 9.
(ix) IERX0 (IEBus receive data) ... Input
This is the IEBus data input signal.
IERX0 is available only for the V850/SC2.
IETX0 (IEBus transmit data) ... Output
This is the IEBus data output signal.
IETX0 is available only for the V850/SC2.