User’s Manual U15109EJ3V0UD
8.1.3 Configuration
Timers 0, 1, and 7 to 12 include the following hardware.
Table 8-1. Configuration of Timers 0, 1, and 7 to 12
Timer registers
16 bits
8 (TM0, TM1, TM7 to TM12)
Capture/compare registers: 16 bits
6 (CRn0, CRn1)
Timer outputs
8 (TO0, TO1, TO7 to TO12)
Control registers
16-bit timer mode control register n (TMCn)
Capture/compare control register n (CRCn)
16-bit timer output control register n (TOCn)
Prescaler mode registers n0, n1 (PRMn0, PRMn1)
n = 0, 1, 7 to 12
(1) 16-bit timer registers 0, 1, 7 to 12 (TM0, TM1, TM7 to TM12)
TMn is a 16-bit read-only register that counts count pulses.
The counter is incremented in synchronization with the rising edge of the input clock. If the count value is read
during operation, input of the count clock is temporarily stopped, and the count value at that point is read. The
count value is reset to 0000H in the following cases (n = 0, 1, 7 to 12):
<1> At RESET input
<2> If TMCn3 and TMCn2 are cleared
<3> If the valid edge of TIn0 is input in the clear & start mode entered by inputting the valid edge of TIn0
<4> If TMn and CRn0 match in the clear & start mode entered on a match between TMn and CRn0
<5> If OSPTn is set or if the valid edge of TIn0 is input in the one-shot pulse output mode