4. Maintenance of Express5800/ft series
Express5800/R320d-E4, R320d-M4 Maintenance Guide (VMware 5.5)
Chapter 1 Maintenance
Disabling Auto Reinstallation of CPU Module
If the failure is corrected and the CPU module is restarted, the Auto Reinstallation of CPU Module feature
reconfigures the system and automatically brings up the module relevant to that failure.
Auto Reinstallation of CPU Module feature is enabled by default. It works when ft server is started, recovered
from system fault, or recovered from pseudo fault.
This feature may be disabled because it may take time to automatically reinstall the CPU module depending
on system configuration. Take the steps below to disable this feature.
You can shift the timing of no communication that occurs during the installation process of CPU module by
disabling the auto reinstallation of CPU module and manually enabling the installation of the CPU module.
Important You need to perform this configuration as a root user.
This configuration just shifts the timing of the no-communication and does not control the
no-communication status. Furthermore, this configuration does not prevent timeout error
due to no communication from occurring.
Even if auto reinstallation of CPU is disabled, it is enabled and the installation process
occurs when the system is starting up by a reboot.
Disabling auto reinstallation of CPU module
Run the following command to disable auto reinstallation of CPU module.
# /opt/ft/bin/ftsmaint bringupPolicy defer
Successfully deferred cpuBringupPolicy
If auto reinstallation of CPU module is disabled, run the
ftsmaint bringup
command to install the CPU module
manually, or restart the system.
Run the following command to enable auto reinstallation of CPU module.
# /opt/ft/bin/ftsmaint bringupPolicy enable
Successfully enabled cpuBringupPolicy
Run the following command to confirm the current setting.
# /opt/ft/bin/ftsmaint bringupPolicy list
CPU bringup policy is enabled