Documents for This Product
Express5800/R320d-E4, R320d-M4 Maintenance Guide (VMware 5.5)
Documents for This Product
Documents for this product are provided as accompanying booklets (
) and as electronic manuals (
) stored
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: General Description
Overviews, names, and functions of the server’s parts
Chapter 2: Preparations
Installation of additional options, connection of peripheral devices, and
ideal location for this server
Chapter 3: Setup
System BIOS configurations and summary of EXPRESSBUILDER
Chapter 4: Appendix
Specifications and other information
Installation Guide
Chapter 1: Installing OS
Installation of OS and drivers, and important information for installation
Chapter 2: Installing Bundled
Installation of bundled software, such as NEC ESMPRO
Chapter 3: Configuring the
Separate Log Server
Configure the log server using other than ftSys Management Appliance
Maintenance Guide
Chapter 1: Maintenance
Server maintenance and troubleshooting
Chapter 2 Configuring and
Upgrading the System
Configure hardware and setup management tool associated with
Chapter 3: Useful Features
Useful features and the detail of system BIOS settings, SAS
Configuration Utility, and EXPRESSBUILDER
Other documents
Provides the detail of NEC ESMPRO and the other features.