Operating instruction: O003 / 5759
Edition: 04/2019
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The temperature control unit is switched on in connecting the heating press to the mains. A greeting
and the current firmware version of the device will appear on the display.
The temperature control unit is ready for operation when the following screen appears:
The current configuration of the HPS-2 appears in the first line in the form of marquee text with the
following content:
<Press-type><Belt-type><AdV><[Set temperature of the top heating plate] – [F/V]>
<[Set temperature of the bottom heating plate]-[F/V]><Hold-down time –[F/V]-
[F/V]: F: The value of the parameter corresponds to the value stored in the list of belt types
V: The value of the parameter was changed by the user.
The progress bar in the second line moves continuously from left to right.
After switching on, the unit checks the plausibility of the internal real time clock. If the unit detects
an error, the user is expected to input the current time and current date.
The time and date are entered using the keypad. The input is confirmed by pressing (OK). The HPS
2 then checks the input and then waits for acknowledgement of the programmed time by the user.
Please wait . . . . . . . .
Time & Date
09:0 01.01.2016
Confirm -> OK