Operating instruction: O003 / 5759
Edition: 04/2019
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Content of the log file
Meaning of the columns:
Time and date of the beginning of the press process
Time and date of the end of the press process
Duration of the heating up process in seconds
Description of the inserted belt type which is adjusted by the control unit during the
press process
Material number of the inserted belt type which is adjusted by the control unit dur-
ing the press process
adjusted splice type
<Pressentyp> Description of the heating press used during the press process
Set temperature value of the top heating plate which results from the splice type of
the inserted belt type
<Delta-Soll-O> value of the nominal-value-modification in [K] made by the user of the top heating
plate in relation to the standard value
maximum temperature of the top heating plate during the hold-down time
minimum temperature of the top heating plate during the hold-down time
Set temperature value of the bottom heating plate which results from the splice type
of the inserted belt type
<Delta-Soll-U> Value of the nominal-value-modification in [K] made by the user of the bottom heat-
ing plate in relation to the standard value
maximum temperature of the bottom heating plate during the hold-down time
minimum temperature of the bottom heating plate during the hold-down time
Hold-down time in seconds, which results from the splice type and the inserted belt
Value of the modifications of the hold-down time [s] made by the user