Operating instruction: O003 / 5759
Edition: 04/2019
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Implemented modifications of the set temperature or the hold-down time on the device are saved
permanently in splice type “99” at the recent selected belt-type of the HPS 2 belt-type list.
The additional splice type „99“ will be applied if this splice type is not yet available at the current se-
lected belt-type.
When there have already been defined 4 (AdVs) splice types the foruth type will be defined as the
splice (AdV) “99” and will be overwritten with the modificated nominal value. Therefore it is recom-
mended to define a maximum of 3 (AdVs) splice types.
Input of splicing parameters
Although the end splicing parameters are specified by selecting the appropriate belt-type and splice
type (AdV), the user can vary the set temperature and hold-down time.
The data sheet for the belt provides information on the heating temperature and hold-down time.
Make sure the heating plates are not heated above 210°C as this will destroy the in-built melt fuse
or the heating resistance.