Operating instruction: O003 / 5759
Edition: 04/2019
Reproduction, duplication of this document - even a partial form –
are subject to our permission. All rights reserved.
In this data sheet any liability for changes, errors or misprints is excluded.
We would like to congratulate you for having purchased the Müssel-Belting Tools made by Müssel
Maschinenbau GmbH and to thank you for the confidence you placed in us.
This operating instruction provides you with important information for the proper and safe use of the air
cooled heating press,
AIR 1200 P
Owing to our experience over decades in the development and the fabrication of finishing tools for conveyor
belts and driving belts, these devices have been designed according to the latest state of technique and in
compliance with this application
Please find further information on splicing types and finishing parameters
in the detailed splicing instructions or in the belt specific technical data sheets of the belt manufacturer.
Please note that the future usage conditions of the conveyor belt have to be considered for the choice and
the finishing of splices.
The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents
to others without express authorization is prohibited as far as this is not explicitly allowed by Müssel
Maschinenbau GmbH. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved.
Any liability for errors and printing errors is excluded.