Operating instruction: O003 / 5759
Edition: 04/2019
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In this data sheet any liability for changes, errors or misprints is excluded.
Meaning of the fields
Band/Pressen-Typ (Belt/Press-type)
Indicates the current adjusted press- or belt-type and the current configurated splice type.
Furthermore there are shown various nominal values. Temporary modifications of the indicated
nominal values are not taken into consideration.
Protokollierung (Logging)
Wert Protokollzeiger (Value log indicator):
Index for the next log entry
Protokolleinträge (log entry):
Number of press processes since the last deletion of
the log store
Press-Zyklen (Press-cycles):
Entire number of the press processes made with the
control unit.
Parameter (Parameter)
Kühltemperatur (Cooling temperature):
When this temperature falls below the holding time
the press process is going to be finished. But just in
case when the configurated press-type supports a
cooling process. When you adjust 0°C cooling pro-
cess is deactivated.
Geräte-Nr. (Device no.):
16-digit serial number of the device. This functions
as a definite identification of the control unit.
Menü-Sprache (Menu language):
Language on the screens of the control unit.