User
Guide
for
Axoclamp
900A
or
modes
cannot
be
used
at
the
same
time
as
or
and
vice
versa.
I=0
is
a
special
mode
of
current
clamp
in
which
all
command
inputs
are
disconnected.
In
a
real
cell,
membrane
potential
returns
to
its
resting
potential.
This
mode
is
generally
used
in
transitions
between
voltage
‐
clamp
and
current
‐
clamp
modes.
When
you
choose
a
mode
in
a
particular
channel,
the
relevant
Mode
tab
is
automatically
brought
forward.
You
can
shift
between
tabs
without
changing
mode.
Amplifier
mode
is
telegraphed
to
compatible
data
acquisition
programs.
You
can
also
synchronize
a
output
to
the
mode
selection,
using
the
Sync
Output
setting
on
the
Options
/
General
tab.
External
Mode
Control
The
mode
buttons
can
be
operated
from
an
external
source.
Check
the
Switch
to
on
ext
input
or
Switch
to
on
ext
input
checkbox
to
enable
external
switching.
See
further
details
at
External
[or
Remote]
Mode
Switching
.
Automatic
Mode
Control
The
Axoclamp
900A
can
be
set
to
switch
automatically
from
current
to
voltage
clamp
if
triggered
by
a
change
in
the
recorded
membrane
potential.
Configure
this
on
the
Options
/
Auto
tab.
When
configured,
the
ext
input
checkbox
changes
to
Switch
to
at
threshold
or
Switch
to
at
threshold
.
Mode
Tabs
The
Mode
tabs
are
used
for
switching
between
the
controls
for
different
modes
for
each
headstage.
You
can
set
controls
for
a
mode
while
the
Axoclamp
900A
is
operating
in
another
mode,
as
the
Mode
tabs
select
mode
controls
only,
and
do
not