Detailed explanation of command words
EMvr (E Move R)
Carries out 3-dimensional circular arc interpolation movement along the work coordinates system (Ex-T
coordinates system) from the start point to the end point via transit points.
(For the outline of the function, refer to
<Work Coordinates Number>
A work coordinate number which is chosen from 1 through 8.
<Start Point>
Start point for the arc. Describe a position using a position type variable or
constant, logic/arithmetic expressions, functions, or a joint variable.
<Transit Point>
Transit point for the arc. Describe a position using a position type variable
or constant, logic/arithmetic expressions, functions, or a joint variable.
<End Point>
End point for the arc. Describe a position using a position type variable or
constant, logic/arithmetic expressions, functions, or a joint variable.
<Constants 1>
Specify the posture rotation.
Short cut = 0, The default value is 0.
<Constants 2>
Specify the posture interpolation method.
Equivalent rotation/3-axis XYZ = 0/1. The default value is 0.
<Appended Conditions>
The Wth and WthIf statements can be used.
[Reference Program]
(1) Moves to P3 from P1 via P2 along the work coordinate 1 by circular arc interpolation.
1 EMvr 1, P1, P2, P3
(2) Moves to P3 from P1 via J2 along the work coordinate 2 by circular arc interpolation.
2 EMvr 2, P1, J2, P3
(3) Moves to P3 from P1 via P2 along the work coordinate 1 by circular arc interpolation, and simultane-
ously turns on the output signal 17.
3 EMvr 2, P1, P2, P3 Wth M_Out(17)=1
(4) Turns on the output signal 21 if the input signal 20 is turned on during movement from P3 to P4 via (Plt
1, 5) along the work coordinate 4 by circular arc interpolation.
4 EMvr 4, P3, (Plt 1, 5), P4 WthIf M_In(20)=1, M_Out(21)=1
(1) In Ex-T control circular arc interpolation motion, a circular arc along the work coordinates is formed with
the 3 given points, and the movement is performed along the circular arc.
(2) Interpolation is performed for the posture at the start point and the end point. The posture at the transit
point does not affect the interpolation.
(3) If the current position and the starting position do not match, the robot automatically moves to the start-
ing point based on the Ex-T control linear interpolation, and then performs the Ex-T control circular arc
(4) If paused during execution of a EMvr command and restarted after jog feed, the robot returns to the inter-
rupted position and restarts the remaining circular arc interpolation. The interpolation method (JOINT
interpolation / XYZ interpolation) which returns to the interrupted position can be changed by the "RET-
PATH" parameter. (Refer to
Page 482, "5.10 Automatic return setting after jog feed at pause"
(5) If the start point and end point structure flags differ when equivalent rotation (constant 2 = 0) is specified,
an error will occur at the execution.
(6) Of the three designated points, if any points coincide with the other, or if three points are on a straight
line, the Ex-T control linear interpolation will take place from the start point to the end point. An error will
not occur.
(7) If 3-axis XYZ is designated for the constant 2, the constant 1 will be invalidated, and the robot will move
with the taught posture.
(8) This cannot be used in programs set to ALWAYS or ERROR. (The error L3287 will occur.)
(9) When the work coordinates system is not specified, the initial value is 0 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) for all elements.
If the Ex-T control linear interpolation is executed in this condition, the movement is performed along the
world coordinates system origin.
EMvr[]<Work Coordinates Number>, <Start Point>, <Transit Point>, <End Point>
[[]Type[] <Constants 1>, <Constants 2>][[]<Appended Conditions>]