The overspeed rev limit is set at an RPM greater than the operating range. In
the event that the engine is operated at an RPM greater than or equal to the
overspeed limit, the PCM does not allow the engine to maintain the power
requested by the operator. Refer to
to determine this engine’s
RPM limit.
Upon reaching the beginning of the rev limit, Engine Guardian will cut‑out the
ignition to specific cylinders. If the operator does not reduce engine speed,
Engine Guardian will cut‑out the ignition to all the cylinders. There is no audible
warning while Engine Guardian overspeed limit is active.
To reset the Engine Guardian protection:
1. Completely reduce the throttle for three seconds.
2. Engage the throttle. If the engine does not respond, repeat step one.
A Mercury SmartCraft System instrument package can be purchased for this
outboard. A few of the functions the instrument package will display are engine
RPM, coolant temperature, battery voltage, fuel consumption, and engine
operating hours.
The SmartCraft instrument package will also aid in Engine Guardian
diagnostics. The SmartCraft instrument package will display critical engine
alarm data and potential problems.
Power Trim and Tilt
Your outboard has a trim/tilt control called power trim. This enables the
operator to easily adjust the position of the outboard by pressing the trim
switch. Moving the outboard in closer to the boat transom is called trimming in
or down. Moving the outboard further away from the boat transom is called
trimming out or up. The term trim generally refers to the adjustment of the
outboard within the first 20° range of travel. This is the range used while
operating your boat on plane. The term tilt is generally used when referring to
adjusting the outboard further up out of the water. With the engine turned off,
the outboard can be tilted out of the water. At low idle speed, the outboard can
also be tilted up past the trim range to permit, for example, shallow water
a -
Trim switch
b -
Tilt range of travel
c -
Trim range of travel