8 • duomed®
mmHg and they are under close clinical supervision.
• Decompensated heart failure (NYHA III + IV)
• Septic thrombophlebitis
• Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
In the following instances, the therapeutic decision
should be made by weighing up the benefits and risks
and by selecting the most suitable compressive
• Severe weeping dermatosis
• Intolerance to compressive material
• Severe paraesthesia in the limbs
• Advanced peripheral neuropathy (e.g. in diabetes
• Primary chronic polyarthritis
If you are not sure whether one or more of these
statements applies to you, speak to your doctor and/
or the medical personnel treating you.
The following risks and the following side effects may
Medical compression stocking may incur the follow-
ing, especially if handled incorrectly:
• Skin necrosis and
• Pressure damage to peripheral nerves.
If your skin is sensitive, the compressive equipment
may cause itchiness, peeling or signs of inflammation.
Adequate skincare under the compression stocking is
vital. Therefore, please take particular care to observe
our important notes and the instructions for putting
the compression stocking on (sections 7 and 8).
If the following symptoms are experienced - the com-
pression stocking should be removed immediately
and clinical advice sought: Change in toe colour - blue
or white, new experience of paraesthesia or numb-
ness in toe foot or leg, increase of pain, shortness of
breath, sudden sweating or acute limitation in move-
ment of limb.
5. Intended users and patient target groups
Healthcare professionals and patients, including per-
sons who play a supporting role in care, are the inten-
ded users for this device, provided that they have re-
ceived briefing on this from healthcare professionals.
Patient target group: Healthcare professionals should
provide care to adults and children, applying the
available information on the measurements/sizes and
required functions/indications, in line with the infor-
mation provided by the manufacturer, and acting un-
der their own responsibility.
How long should my duomed compression
stocking be worn for? How long can it be used for?
Unless otherwise specified by the doctor, wear your
mediven compression stocking from morning to night
for optimal therapeutic results. . If the maximum wea-
ring time is exceeded by a significant amount in ex-
ceptional cases (e.g. long haul flights), the top band
should be moved frequently if you are wearing a
thigh-length stocking, or you should consider wearing
tights as an alternative.
A precise pressure gradient (high pressure at bottom,
decreasing towards the top) is required to ensure that
compression stocking functions optimally.Through
daily wearing and washing, the medically necessary
pressure and elasticity of your compression stocking
can decrease over time. The stockings should there-
fore only be used for a maximum of six months. If the
medical compression stocking has been used for six
months and a repeat prescription is issued, the
patient’s dimensions must be checked again by the
medical specialist retailer as they could have changed
due to the patient’s condition or their individual cir-
Observe our instructions for putting on the stockings
and instructions for care to ensure that the compressive
effect is maintained as well as possible (sections 8 and
10). Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We
can give you information on the options for ensuring
long-term effective therapy for venous and lymphatic
system disorders using medical compression garments.
7. Instructions for use - what should I know?
• The compression stocking should be issued by
trained specialists with a briefing on how to handle it
and how to care for the compression stocking (see
sections 8 and 10 on this).
• If pain or increased irritation of the skin occurs while
you are wearing the compression stocking, remove it
immediately and consult your doctor or the medical
• Appropriate skincare must be maintained during
compression therapy. This is essential. Creams or
salves that are particularly greasy and also soap
residue can cause skin irritation and material wear
and can thus impair the efficacy of the compression
stocking. Therefore, medi also offers a skincare
range (medi day, medi night, medi soft foam lotion)
that is specially formulated for compression stock-
ing. Please visit a medical specialist retailer to dis-
cuss which product is right for you.
• Compression stockings with a silicone top band can
cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin
(caused by perspiration in combination with me-
chanical stress). In order to prevent this, it is recom-
mended that the top band is repositioned slightly
several times throughout the day. If the patient uses
unsuitable skincare (see also previous point) or has a
lot of body hair, then the compression stocking could
slip. Please visit a medical specialist retailer to dis-
cuss this, should it occur.
• Sharp fingernails and jewellery can cause damage to
the knit fabric.
• Do not attempt to repair your compression stocking
yourself or to have it repaired by an external service
provider, as this will render the guarantee void, with-
out exception. Furthermore, this can impair the
quality, safety and efficacy of the product. You can
obtain information on correct repair by medi - if pos-
sible - from your medical specialist retailer or our
• In the event of any complaints regarding the product
such as damage to the fabric or a fault in the fit,
please report to your specialist medical retailer di-
rectly. Only serious incidents which could lead to a
significant deterioration in health or to death are to
be reported to the manufacturer or the relevant au-
thorities in the EU member state. The criteria for se-
• Post-traumatic oedema
• Post-operative oedema
• Post-operative reperfusion oedema
• Cyclic idiopathic oedema
• Lipoedema
• Conditions involving stasis due to immobility
(arthrogenic congestive syndrome, paresis and
partial paresis of the extremity)
• Oedema caused by job (jobs which involve a lot of
sitting or standing)
• Oedema caused by taking medication which cannot
be altered (no viable alternative)
Other indications
• Obesity with functional venous insufficiency
• Inflammatory dermatitis of the leg
• Nausea, dizziness during pregnancy
• Complaints involving stasis during pregnancy
• Conditions resulting from burns
• Scar treatment
Please observe the following instructions:
Due to the different manufacturing methods used for
medical compression clothing and the different modes
of action that they elicit, medi generally recommends
that circular-knit compression clothing (clothing wit-
hout seams) be used for venous conditions and flat-
knit compression clothing (clothing with seams) be
used for lymphatic system conditions. However, flat
knit clothing may still be an appropriate therapy for a
venous condition, for example (e.g. if the limb is very
large at point and narrow at another or if tissue folds
are very deep). Note that this decision can only be
made by a doctor.
Patient-dependent factors in particular, such as the
patient’s weight, the type and severity of the oedema
and the nature of their connective tissue all play a role
in this decision.
Therefore, our recommendation is as follows:
• The higher the patient’s weight,
• The more they tend towards oedema,
• The more severe the disease,
• The softer their connective tissue,
-> The more compressive the stocking material needs
to be!
Your doctor or the medical professionals treating you
will support and advise you in selecting the correct
medical compression stocking for you. This ensures
that your individual needs are met, which increases
your wellbeing and provides you with the best
chances of therapeutic success.
4. Contraindications - are there instances in which I
should not wear the medical compression
Medical compression stocking may not be worn if the
patient has the following conditions:
• Advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease (if
one of these parameters is present: ABPI < 0.5, ankle
arterial pressure < 60 mmHg, toe pressure <
30mmHg or TcPO2 < 20 mmHg on dorsum of foot).
When non-elastic materials are implemented, the
patient can still try out compression stocking if they
have ankle arterial pressure between 50 and 60
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