Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
The following scenarios can be realized with the holiday function:
Lock time switch
The holiday function acts like a lock function and blocks this time switch. If no holiday is
active, the time switch is executed as normal.
Execute time switch
The time switch is only executed if the holiday is active and is blocked if no holiday is active,
e.g. can be used for a presence simulation.
Behaviour as Sunday
The time switch only executes the switching times that are activated exclusively for Sunday.
Behaviour at lock by Holiday function
Defines the behaviour which is executed when the time switch is blocked by the holiday function
no action
The holiday function sets a simple lock function and the time switch is locked as long as
holiday is active.
fix value (one time)
Sends the set value once when the holiday function is activated
fix value (cyclic)
A value can be sent cyclically, e.g. to override a higher-level logic.
The cycle time is set by means of a common parameter for
"lock / enable" and " holidays"
Behaviour at unlocking / reset Holidy function
Defines the behaviour for the reset of the lock function and the end of the holiday function
Execute basic setting
The setting is carried out as set in the menu "Basic setting, see 4.10.1 G, for the parameter
"Make up switching times when unlocking.
Make up switching times
After unlocking, the switching states that were omitted during unlocking are made up for.
This ensures that all the trades are in the "correct" state after unlocking.
Send fix value
The set value is transmitted after the unlock/holiday end.
No action
No action is performed after the unlock/holiday end and the time switch remains in its
current state.