Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
The following table shows the individual operating modes and their setting ranges:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Basic comfort setpoint (°C)
18,0 °C
25,0 °C
[21,0 °C]
The basic comfort value is the reference
point of the control
Standby reduction (K)
0 K
10,0 K
[2,0 K]
Reduction/increase in temperature when
selecting the Standby mode is specified
relative to the basic comfort value.
Standby is activated if no other operating
mode is active.
Night reduction (K)
Reduction in K
0 K
10,0 K
[3,0 K]
Reduction/increase in temperature when
night mode is selected is specified relative to
the basic comfort value
Setpoint frost protection (°C)
3 °C
12 °C
[7 °C]
Setpoint of the frost protection mode is set as
absolute value.
Visible when "Heating" is active
Setpoint heat protection (°C)
24 °C
40 °C
[35 °C]
Setpoint of the heat protection operating
mode is set as absolute value.
Visible when "Cooling" is active
Table 34: Settings - Operating modes and Setpoints
Comfort mode
Comfort mode is the controller's reference mode. The values in the night and standby operating
modes are based on this. The Comfort operation mode should be activated when the room is used.
The basic comfort value is parameterised as the setpoint.
If the controller mode is set to Heating & cooling, the basic comfort value applies for the heating
process. In cooling mode, the value of the dead zone between heating and cooling is added.
The 1 bit communication object for this operating mode is shown in the following table:
Mode comfort
1 Bit
Activating the comfort operating mode
Table 35: Communication object
Comfort mode 1bit
Night mode
The night operating mode should cause a significant temperature reduction/increase, e.g. at night or
on weekends. The value can be freely parameterised and refers to the basic comfort value. So if a 5K
reduction has been parameterised and a basic comfort value of 21°C has been set, the setpoint for
night operation mode is 16°C. In cooling mode, there is a respective increase in the value.
The 1 bit communication object for this operation mode is shown in the following table::
Mode Night
1 Bit
Activation of the operating mode night
Table 36: Communication object
Night mode 1bit