Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
If the function has been parameterized as "
Send values
", the following settings are possible.
The presentation of the function "send values" depends on the selected datapoint type. Depending
on the selected datapoint type, 1-4 different symbols and their color can be selected.
The following table provides an overview of the settings for the various datapoint types:
Datapoint type
Adjustable symbols
2 Bit Switch control, DPT 2.001
4 symbols can be set: 1
symbol for each possible state
1 Byte Percent, DPT 5.001
3 symbols can be set for the
ranges 0, 1-229 and 230-255.
Therefore, the button
evaluates the information of
the "Status for display" object
Special presentation possible!
Additionally it is possible to
display the status value below
the symbol.
1 Byte Decimal fator, DPT 5.005
3 symbols can be set for the
ranges 0%, 1% - 90% and
>90%. Therefore the button
evaluates the information of
the "Status for display" object
Special presentation possible!
Additionally it is possible to
display the status value below
the symbol.
1 Byte Scene Number, DPT 17.001
1 fixed symbol can be set
2 Byte Colour temperature,
DPT 7.600
1 or 2 symbols can be set: 1
for each switching value
2 Byte Temperature, DPT 9.001
1 fixed symbol can be set
Special presentation possible!
2 Byte Brightness, DPT 9.004
1 fixed symbol can be set
3 Byte RGB value, DPT 232.600
1 fixed symbol can be set
Table 97: Presentation - send values
Special presentation:
For certain data point types, a special presentation (see table above) is possible. In this presentation,
the status is shown on a larger scale on the display.
The following presentations are possible:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Special display
(DPT 5.001, DPT 5.005)
value as text (0-100%)
value as text (0-255)
With this settings the text is
displayed large on the display.
Special display
(DPT 9.001)
value as “°C”
value as symbol without
value as “K”
With the settings "value as
symbol" the text is displayed
large on the display.
Table 98: Presentation - Special symbols (Switch/send value short/long (with 2 objects)