Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
The setting "max. setpoint offset" can be used to limit the maximum manual offset of the setpoint.
For example, if the controller is set to a basic comfort value of 21°C and a max. setpoint shift of 3K,
the basic comfort value can only be shifted manually within the limits of 18°C to 24°C.
The "Setpoint offset valid for" setting can be used to specify whether the offset is only valid for the
comfort mode or whether the setting should also be adopted for the night and standby operating
modes. The frost/heat protection operating modes are independent of the setpoint adjustment in
any case.
The setting " Reset setpoint offset after change of mode" can be used to specify whether the new
setpoint should be retained after a change of mode or whether the controller should return to the
value parameterized in the ETS software after a change of mode.
The "Current setpoint" communication object is used to query the setpoint currently set (for the
selected operation mode).
The following table shows the communication objects relevant for this parameter:
Setpoint Comfort
2 Byte
Setting of a new absolute setpoint
manual setpoint offset
2 Byte
Shifting the setpoint relative to the preset
Comfort setpoint
Current setpoint
2 Byte
Outputs the currently valid setpoint
manual setpoint offset
1 Bit
Increase/decrease the current setpoint by the
set step width
Rücksetzen der Sollwerte
1 Bit
Resets the setpoints to the parameterized
Table 47: Communication objects - Setpoint changes