Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
An external sensor can be activated or deactivated via the weighting "Sensor internal/external". If
the weighting is set to 100% internal, no external sensor is activated and no communication objects
appear for the external sensor. With any other weighting, an external sensor is activated and the
associated communication objects are also displayed. The "External temperature sensor"
communication object transmits the current temperature measured by the sensor. The "External
sensor error" communication object is used for feedback if the external sensor is faulty. If the
external sensor does not send a value for 30 minutes, this communication object becomes active.
As soon as the external sensor has an error, the internal temperature value is used for control!
The associated communications objects are shown in the table:
External sensor
2 Byte
Receives measured temperature of external
Error external sensor
1 Bit
Sends errors if the sensor does not send a value
for a certain time
Table 31: Communication objects
External sensor
If the message function is activated, two message functions can be parameterized. On the one hand
the signalling function for the lower response value, the "minimum message value", and on the other
hand the upper response value, the "maximum message value". The signalling function has a much
larger setting range than the alarm function and overlaps are also possible, so that smooth switching
between the message for the minimum value and the maximum value can be achieved. The two
message functions each have a separate communication object, which can also be linked individually.
The communication objects are 1-bit objects.
The associated communication objects are shown in the table:
max. temperature
1 Bit
Sends a message when the upper message
value is exceeded
min. temperature
1 Bit
Sends a message when the lower message
value is exceeded
Table 32: Communication objects