Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
The setting "Send measured value at change of" can be used to set the change at which the sensor
sends its current temperature value. If this function is deactivated, i.e. set to "do not send", the
sensor will not send a value, regardless of the size of the change.
With the setting "Send measured value cyclically" you can set the intervals at which the sensor sends
its current temperature value. The cyclical transmission function can be activated or deactivated
independently of the "Send measured value on change" setting. Measured values are also sent if the
sensor has not detected a change.
If both values are deactivated, i.e. set to "do not send", the sensor does not send its current value.
In addition, a correction value can be parameterized for the internal sensor under the setting
"Adjustment value for internal sensor". This correction value is used to increase/decrease the
actually measured value. The adjustment range is from -50 to 50 * 0.1K, i.e. the measured value can
be lowered by -5 Kelvin and raised to a maximum of 5 Kelvin. For example, if a value of 10 is set, the
measured temperature value is raised by 1 Kelvin. This setting makes sense if the sensor is installed
in an unfavourable location, such as above a radiator or in a draught area. When this function is
activated, the temperature sensor sends the corrected temperature value. In addition, the sensors
have a factory temperature adjustment to 0.1K, which is carried out before delivery.
The associated communication object is shown in the table:
2 Byte
sendet aktuell gemessene Temperatur
Table 29: Communication object - Temperature measurement
The function "send min/max values" can be deactivated by the setting "do not send" and activated
by the setting "send". If this function is deactivated, no minimum and maximum values are stored by
the temperature sensor. By activating this function, the sensor stores min/max values once reached.
As soon as a new minimum or maximum value is registered, the sensor sends it via the associated
communication object. The saved values are reset via the "Min/max values reset" communication
object. The reset function is a 1-bit object and can be reset, e.g. via a switch object of a binary input.
The associated communication objects are shown in the table:
2 Byte
sendet und speichert maximal gemessenen
2 Byte
sendet und speichert minimal gemessenen
Min/Max Werte Reset
1 Bit
setzt Min/Max Werte zurück
Table 30: Communication objects
Min/Max values