Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
Public holiday function
The device has a comprehensive logic integrated to calculate public holidays. This public holiday
calculation can be activated via the parameter "automatic public holiday calculation".
In addition, public holidays can be manually activated on the device if the parameter "Manual control
via object/on the device" is set to active. There is also an automatic reset function for this parameter.
If, for example, the public holiday is deleted on the 1st day change, the function can be used for the
current day, as the public holiday then ends at 00:00 hours for the device.
If, for example, you want to prevent the roller shutters from opening in the morning on the next day,
the reset may only be performed on the 2nd change of day, since in this case the "public holiday" key
is pressed the evening before. In this case, the automatic reset takes place on the following day at
00:00 hrs.
The key for public holiday activation is located in the level Timer -> Setup.
The interaction between automatic holiday calculation and manual activation via the bus (via object)
is described in the following table:
Public holiday
Value from
object 132
Action on object
Result: Public holiday active/not
value 0
Sending a 0
No action
value 0
Sending a 1
Public holiday active until set return,
automatic mode will be active again
from next day
value 1
Sending a 0
Manual deactivation, automatic
mode becomes active again from the
next day
value 1
Sending a 1
Public holiday active until set return,
automatic mode will be active again
from next day
value 0
Sending a 0
Manual deactivation, automatic
mode becomes active again from the
next day
value 0
Sending a 1
Public holiday active until set return,
automatic mode will be active again
from next day
value 1
Sending a 0
Manual deactivation, automatic
mode becomes active again from the
next day
value 1
Sending a 1
Public holiday active until set return,
automatic mode will be active again
from next day
Table 117: Calculation of public holidays and manual activation