Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
Setpoint offset
The following table shows the possible settings for this parameter:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Max Setpoint offset
0 K
10,0 K
[3,0 K]
Indicates the maximal offset
Setpoint offset over 2 Byte
Activation of the setpoint offset via 2
Byte object; a temperature difference
in Kelvin is sent
Setpoint offset over 1 Bit
Activation of the setpoint offset via 1
Bit object; sending a 1 increases the
setpoint by the adjusted step range,
sending a 0 decreases the setpoint by
the adjusted step range.
This parameter is also the reference
for the setpoint shift when using the
internal buttons - Heating/ventilation
operation -> Two-button function ->
Temperature shift
Step range
0,1 K
1 K
[0,5 K]
Setting the step width for setpoint shift
via 1 bit object
Max setpoint offset valid for
Scope of validity of the setpoint shift
Reset setpoint offset after
change of mode
Setting whether the value shift is to be
deleted after changing the operating
Send setpoint change
Setting whether a change of the
setpoint value should be sent
Table 46: Settings - Setpoint shift
The Basic Comfort setpoint is fixed parameterised via the ETS. This setpoint can be changed in two
ways. Firstly, a new absolute setpoint can be specified for the controller, this is done via the
"Comfort setpoint" communication object as a 2 byte absolute value and secondly, the preset
setpoint can be increased or reduced manually, this is done via the "Manual setpoint offset"
communication object, either via 1 bit or 2 bytes.
When a new absolute comfort setpoint is read in, the controller is assigned a new basic comfort
value. This new comfort value also automatically adjusts the dependent setpoints in the other
operating modes, as these are relative to the Comfort base value. All settings for setpoint shifting do
not apply here, as a completely new base value is assigned to the controller.
The second possibility for changing the setpoint is to shift the currently setpoint as a temperature
difference. The communication object "manual setpoint offset" is used for this. The 2-byte object is
used to send the controller a positive Kelvin value for raising or a negative Kelvin value for lowering.
With manual setpoint offset via the 1-bit object, only ON/OFF commands are sent and the controller
raises the setpoint by the set step width when a "1" is received and lowers the setpoint by the set
step width when a "0" is received.
During setpoint shifting, the parameterised basic comfort value as reference value for the other
operating modes is not changed