Published 1-06-2017 Control # 579-01
The platform is properly attached and secured to the
load hook.
For boom mounted platforms:
The platform is properly attached and secure.
To avoid death or serious injury:
NEVER use this crane for bungee jumping or any form
of amusement or sport.
NEVER handle personnel on the loadline unless the
requirements of applicable national, state and local
regulations and safety codes are met.
NEVER permit anyone to ride loads, hooks, slings or
other rigging for any reason.
NEVER get on or off a moving crane.
NEVER allow anyone other than the operator to be on
this crane while the machine is operating or traveling.
NEVER allow anyone on the hoist access platform while
The following standards and regulations regarding personnel
handling are available by mail at the following addresses:
ASME (formerly ANSI) B30 Series American National
Safety Standards For Cableways, Cranes, Derricks,
Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
ASME B30.5, Mobile
And Locomotive Cranes, and ASME B30.23, Personnel
Lifting Systems
, are available by mail from the ASME, 22
Law Drive, Fairfield, New Jersey, 0700-2900
US DOL/OSHA Rules and Regulations
are available by
mail from the Superintendent of Documents, PO Box
371954, Pittsburgh, PA, 15250-7954.
Dispose of waste properly!
Improperly disposing of waste
can threaten the environment.
Potentially harmful waste used in Manitowoc cranes includes
— but is not limited to — oil, fuel, grease, coolant, air
conditioning refrigerant, filters, batteries, and cloths which
have come into contact with these environmentally harmful
Handle and dispose of waste according to local, state, and
federal environmental regulations.
When filling and draining crane components, observe the
Do not pour waste fluids onto the ground, down any
drain, or into any source of water.
Always drain waste fluids into leak proof containers that
are clearly marked with what they contain.
Always fill or add fluids with a funnel or a filling pump.
Immediately clean up any spills.
The crane must be inspected prior to use on each work shift.
The owner, user, and operator must ensure that routine
maintenance and lubrication are being dutifully performed.
operate a damaged or poorly maintained crane.
Manitowoc continues to recommend that cranes be properly
maintained, regularly inspected and repaired as necessary.
Manitowoc reminds crane owners to ensure that all safety
decals are in place and legible. Manitowoc continues to urge
crane owners to upgrade their cranes with rated capacity
limiter and control lever lockout systems for all lifting
Shut down the crane while making repairs or adjustments.
Always perform a function check after repairs have been
made to ensure proper operation. Load tests should be
performed when structural or lifting members are involved.
Follow all applicable safety precautions in this manual when
performing crane maintenance as well as crane operations.
Keep the crane free of mud, dirt, and grease at all times.
Dirty equipment introduces hazards, wears-out faster, and
makes proper maintenance difficult. Cleaning solutions used
should be non-flammable, non-toxic and appropriate for the
Routine maintenance and inspection of this crane must be
performed by a qualified person(s) according to the
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s i n t h e
M a n i t o w o c C r a n e C a r e
Maintenance and Inspection Manual
. Any questions
regarding procedures and specifications should be directed
to your Manitowoc distributor.
Service and Repairs
Service and repairs to the crane must only be performed by a
qualified person. All service and repairs must be performed
in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, this
manual, and the service manual for this machine. If there is
any question regarding maintenance procedures or
specifications, contact your Manitowoc distributor for
Fall Hazard!
Working at elevated heights without using proper fall
protection can result in severe injury or death.
Always use proper fall protection as required by local,
state or federal regulations.
Reference Only
Содержание CD25
Страница 5: ...Operator Manual CD25 R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 6: ...R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 14: ...TABLE OF CONTENTS CD25 OPERATOR MANUAL TOC 6 THIS PAGE BLANK R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 18: ...INTRODUCTION CD25 1 4 Published 1 06 2017 Control 579 01 THIS PAGE BLANK R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 55: ...2 37 CD25 SAFETY INFORMATION 2 Published 1 06 2017 Control 579 01 8496 1 FIGURE 2 10 R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 66: ...SAFETY INFORMATION CD25 2 48 Published 1 06 2017 Control 579 01 2 48 THIS PAGE BLANK R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 100: ...CAPACITY CHART CD25 4 4 Published 1 06 2017 Control 579 01 THIS PAGE BLANK R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 150: ...MAINTENANCE CD25 6 40 Published 1 06 2017 Control 579 01 THIS PAGE BLANK R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 152: ...ADJUSTMENTS CD25 7 2 Published 1 06 2017 Control 579 01 THIS PAGE BLANK R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 156: ...8 4 SPECIFICATIONS CD25 Published 1 06 2017 Control 579 01 Boom angle Maximum 80 Minimum 0 R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 159: ...R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...
Страница 160: ...R e f e r e n c e O n l y ...