Chapter 2
Photoacoustic Gas Monitor
LumaSense Technologies
1314i / 1412i / 1512 / 3434i
Page 39 of 81
An example of a read out for all filters is shown below:
FA 309.57E-06,_________,.....,.....,.....,.....,000,R0,X0,E____,3 13:56:40
The 10 characters for each gas consist of the concentrations of each in the
internal units, which are mg/m
This may or may not be the same units as
the current units manually selected in the set-up tree of the Monitor.
To interpret the read out use the following key:
Filter alignment error
Air Flag, Error Flag, Warning Flag
Power down: 0=no, 1=yes
Operational error or warning: 0=no, 1=yes
User event, where ___ is the event number (0001)
Gas is not read out
_______ Bad result
3 13:56:40 Time stamp (DD HH:MM:SS)
Dot marks (...) mean that the gas was not measured. A straight line (_)
means that the Monitor was unable to calculate the concentration of the gas.
Of the error/warning bits, the first bit corresponds to gas feed
errors/warnings, the second bit corresponds to any errors, and the third bit
corresponds to any warnings. The time stamp gives hours, minutes,
seconds, in addition to the date.
If a additional C_U parameter is added to the command i.e. O_SP_C?
SA_DA,AL,C_U the Monitor will output the Gas concentrations in the
Current Unit selected in the Set-Up.
If an additional AL parameter is added to the command i.e. O_SP_C?
SA_DA,AL,AL, the Monitor will add Chamber temperature and Ambient
pressure i.e.
1.0818E+03,.....,.....,.....,....., 7.4709E+03,000,R0,X0,E____,24