Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 400A, 60Hz Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503C-3
6 - 20 Testing
Issue 10 July 2000
Selective High
Voltage Shutdown
(SHVSD) and
Warning: This procedure is only safe if the using equipment can
tolerate the higher voltage.
1. Using the Float Adj potentiometer, raise the rectifier voltage to
the SHVSD level of the controller.
2. Adjust the load so the rectifier delivers 40-60A, 10 to 15 percent
of its rated amperage.
3. The rectifier should shut down, and the RFA LED on the control
panel should light.
4. Observe that the rectifier restarts after 4 seconds and shuts down
again. With an MCS controller, a second restart may occur.
5. Adjust rectifier back to its proper setting. Turn the unit off, then
back on. The rectifier should restart and RFA lamp should go off.
AC Fail Test
This test must be done on battery, with CB1 on.
1. Turn off the ac service to the rectifier. The ACF LED on the
control panel should light and an ac fail alarm should be generated
on TB3-3 and TB3-4 of CM4.
2. Restore ac to the rectifier.
RFA Circuit
Verification RFA
This procedure tests the alarm system.
1. Provide a contact closure on TB3-1 and TB3-2 of CM4.
2. The rectifier and controller should indicate an RFA, but the
rectifier should not shut down.
3. An RFA may also be present on other rectifiers during the test.