Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 400A, 60Hz Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503C-3
Issue 10 July 2000
Troubleshooting and Adjustments 7 - 5
8. Rectifier does not shut
down at no load but may shut
down at 10% load or more.
1. Shorted or open triac.
1. Replace triacs.
2. Winding 13 or 14 of T1
or T2 is open.
2. Check wiring associated with
windings 13 or 14 of T1 or T2.
9. Rectifier will not start; ac
is present, digital meter is on,
and Power switch is on.
1. Input contactor coil
may be open.
1. Check coil of input contactor K1.
If it is open replace the contactor.
10. Rectifier tries to start but
immediately gives RFA/CFA
1. CM1 is defective.
1. Check fuses.
2. JT2 cable between
CM2 and triacs is
2. Check JT2 cable.
3. CM5 or CM6 is
3. Replace CM5 and/or CM6.
11. Control panel digital
meter does not light when
rectifier is on.
1. Defective wiring on
1. Check wiring on CM3.
2. CM3 is defective.
2. Check if contacts 2 and 5 of K2
on CM7 are closed.
3. Check connectors J1B and J3A.
4. Replace CM3.
12. Battery voltage, measured
by Plt V position on digital
meter, does not agree with
battery voltage measured
across Plant test jacks.
1. Connect a DMM to the Plant
jacks. Hold the meter switch in the
Plt V position while adjusting R15
on CM3 until the two meters agree
within ± 0.02 volt.
13. Rectifier emits excessive
1. Defective magnetics
1. Call your RTAC representative on
Table 7-A: Troubleshooting
Probable Cause
Probable Corrective Action