1C0FB-01 DLL_CNCRCError_REC.CumulativeCnt_U32
[Unsigned32, rw]
The cumulative counter is incremented by 1 every time a CRC error occurs. Its
value monitors all CRC errors that are detected by the CN.
Default = 0
If the unit is reset, this attribute is set to its default value.
1C0FB-02 DLL_CNCRCError_REC.ThresholdCnt_U32
[Unsigned32, ro]
The threshold counter is incremented by 8 every time a CRC error occurs on the
CN and decremented by 1 at every cycle without reoccurance of the error. Its
value monitors the quality of network in relation to the CRC error occurrence.
Default = 0
1C0FB-03 DLL_CNCRCError_REC.Threshold_U32
1C0FB-02 DLL_CNCRCError_REC.ThresholdCnt_U32
threshold, a defined action proceeds and
is reset to 0.
Threshold Counting can be deactivated by setting
to 0. If Threshold Counting is
deactivated, no error reaction will occur.
Default = 15 (min. = 0, max. = FFFF FFFFh)
1C14 DLL_CNLossOfSocTolerance_U32
[Unsigned32, rw]
This object provides a tolerance interval expressed in ns to be applied by CNs for
“Loss of SoC” error recognition.
Default = 100000 (min. = 0, max. = 2147483000)
1F81-00 NMT_NodeAssignment_AU32
[Unsigned8, rw]
This object assigns nodes to the NMT Master (MN). Each sub-Index in the array
corresponds to the node with the Node ID equal to the sub-Index. This sub-
Index contains the number of entries.
Default = 254 (min. = 1, max. = 254)
MAN EM58_HS58_HM58 PL E 1.1.odt
POWERLINK interface
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