Check & Adjust
Leica TPS800-4.0.0en
Line-of-sight error (Hz-collimation)
The line-of-sight error or collimation error (C) is the
deviation from the perpendicular between the tilting
axis and the line of sight.
The effect of the line-of-sight error to the Hz-angle
increases with the vertical angle.
For horizontal aimings the error of Hz equals the
line-of-sight error.
V-Index (Vertical index error)
The vertical circle should read exactly 90° (100 gon)
when the line of sight is horizontal. Any deviation
from this figure is termed vertical index error (i).
By determining the vertical index error the electronic
level is adjusted automatically.
Procedures and conditions required to
correct line-of-sight and height index errors are the
same. Thus the procedure will only be described