ruby standard configuration User Manual
Version: 6.4.0/2
10. Maintentance
10.2.5 Opening a Connection to the Serial Port
In some cases, you will need to make a direct connection to the
RS 422
serial port, otherwise known as the
"console" port.
Install a suitable ssh/telnet client on your computer. We recommend using
Tera Term Pro Web 3.1.3
a free ssh/telnet client for Windows, which can be downloaded from
Connect your PC directly to the
RS 422
port on Power Core's
A suitable cable is delivered with every unit (article number 485-0700-000). This provides a RJ45 connector
(for Power Core) and a Sub D connector (for the PC).
If your PC does not support a Sub D connector, then you will need to provide a serial to USB converter such as
the one shown below.
Serial to USB Adapter
Set up the Serial connection for the COM port using the following credentials.
Speed: 115200 baud
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: none
Flow control: none
Now follow the specific instructions for the task you wish to perform.