crystal User Manual
Version: 6.6.0/2
14. Control Surface Configuration
Configuring Fader Options
Within the "System -> Definition" branch of the 'Tree Definition', there are two sets of options for the console
faders: "Parameter = Faders" and "Parameter = Faders 1 (2, 3, 4)", where 2, 3, 4 appear only for Power Core
For a standard System Core, both sets of options are applied globally (as there is only one Access Group). For
Power Core Max, the "Parameter = Faders" options are applied globally, while the "Faders x" options apply to a
specific Access Group (to allow a different configuration for each surface).
"System -> Definition -> Parameter = Faders"
Select "
" in 'Tree Definition' and the
tab to access the "
Faders – reference name for the element.
Use Scale +9dB
Use Scale 0dB
Assigns input control signals to switch between fader scales.
The default fader scale, with nothing entered in either box, is to +9dB.
To permanently set the console to a fader scale, assign a logic element which will always be
true – for example, a
Ref Source Fader Offset
Available when the Surface =
sapphire MK2
When a source is assigned to the control surface, a reference source can be assigned at the
same time. This value defines the position at which the reference source will be assigned, as
an offset from the current source position. For example, on a control surface with 20 fader
strips and 2 layers, if you wish the reference source to be assigned on the alternate layer, you
would enter a fader offset of 20.
Production Mode (Save
This option is recommended for production systems, but not for on-air.
When ticked, fader levels are recalled by snapshots. When unticked, fader levels are ignored
(to avoid accidental reset of an on-air source).
Show Group Fader Values
Group Fader Values
Group Fader Value Hold
Time (sec)
The next three options are available when the Surface =
sapphire compact
Enable the
Show Group Fader Values
option to show the resulting fader values applied to
VCA slaves in the fader strip displays. The value shown is the combined result of the VCA and
source fader. If the
Group Fader Values Fallback
option is also enabled, then the displays will
revert to their default mode (e.g. source name) after a certain time period. The time period is
set by the
Group Fader Value Hold Time
(in seconds).