Lake Shore Model 330 Autotuning Temperature Controller User’s Manual
Thermocouple Controller Operation (Model 330-4X ONLY)
The thermocouple input option allows either Channel A, Channel B, or both to accommodate thermocouple
sensors. The controller supports Chromel-AuFe (0.07%), Chromel-AuFe (0.03%), E, K, and T thermocouples
with internal curves that enable it to operate in temperature units (°C and K) as well as voltage in millivolts.
The thermocouple input utilizes a secondary temperature sensor to monitor Reference Junction (room)
temperature and provide curve compensation. Disable thermocouple (Reference Junction) Compensation to
use the Model 330 with external compensation techniques.
3.5.1 Sensor
Thermocouple leads attach to the terminal block by aluminum screws. Tighten the terminal screws carefully.
Loose connections result in unstable readings and control. Connect the leads with proper polarity or the input
option will not operate properly. The terminal block positive terminal is on the side of the V+ label on the back
panel and should correspond with the positive thermoelement listed for each type of thermocouple.
Thermocouple Curve Selection
To choose a thermocouple curve 06 thru 10 listed in Table 2-3), see Paragraph 3.2.6.
Thermocouple Compensation From Front Panel
To determine whether thermocouple compensation is selected or not, see Paragraph 3.2.4.
Thermocouple Compensation From Remote Interface
To select or prevent thermocouple compensation over the remote interface, use the ACOMP command (see
Chapter 4).
Internal Offset Adjustment
The offset adjustment compensates for the thermocouple used in calibration. If another thermocouple
is attached, or the thermocouple has aged, or system configuration is changed, then repeat the offset
When a new or different thermocouple is attached to the controller, adjust the offset to compensate for
discrepancies in thermocouple material, leads, and connections. Offset adjustment trimpots are provided
inside the Model 330 to allow offset calibration of the thermocouple. See Paragraph 5.12.
3.5.6 Curve
The input is hardware limited to reading input between -15 mV and +15 mV. Limit all curves in temperature so
not to exceed these values. For thermocouple compensation, normalize the thermocouple curve to zero in
degrees Celsius. Compensation also limits the practical card range by approximately the room temperature
voltage of the thermocouple.
The Model 330 operates on sensor curve data ranging from 0.00000 to 3.00000 volts. Convert thermocouple
voltage to this range before entering it into a curve table. To obtain the proper table value from a thermo-
couple voltage, sum it with 15 millivolts to make it positive and multiply it by 100 to shift the resolution.
A -15.0000 millivolt thermocouple voltage results in a 0.00000 volt table value and +15.0000 millivolts results
in 3.00000 volts.