Lake Shore Model 330 Autotuning Temperature Controller User’s Manual
The Model 330 is a microcontroller-based Autotuning temperature controller. There are four primary sensor
input types: the Model 330-1X for Silicon Diode Temperature Sensors, the Model 330-2X for Platinum
Resistors, the Model 330-3X for Gallium Aluminum Arsenide Diodes, and the Model 330-4X for
Thermocouples. The Model 330 accommodates these commonly used cryogenic temperature sensors in any
combination (thermocouples optional). They are field selectable, without calibration (except for thermocouples,
which are factory-installed when ordered).
The Model 330 bright red dual LED display shows data from both sensors, or one sensor and the setpoint. It
displays temperature in K, °C, or sensor units in volts (V), millivolts (mV), or ohms (
). Heater output current
always displays on a separate bar graph. The full function keypad makes the Model 330 easy to operate.
Precision thermometry is necessary for stable, accurate control, and the Model 330 analog design provides
stable and repeatable measurements. Current source isolation allows for a true four-lead measurement of the
sensor signal. A high-resolution A/D converter digitizes the signal for use in thermometry, control, and
Autotuning. Enhance Model 330 thermometry accuracy with a Lake Shore calibrated sensor and 8000 Series
Precision Calibration Option, or with SoftCal.
Model 330 control software compares the measured control sensor value to the desired control setpoint and
minimizes the difference with a three term (PID) function. Enter control parameters in any one of five tuning
modes: Autotuning P, Autotuning PI, Autotuning PID, Zone, and Manual. Autotuning utilizes information
gathered during setpoint changes to automatically optimize control parameters.
Program up to 10 custom temperature zones so the controller automatically uses pre-programmed PID
settings and heater ranges (computer interface required).
Set the rate at which the ramp setpoint increases or decreases when it is changed. Combine this setting with
the zone feature to ramp through all 10 zones from 2 K to room temperature with only a setpoint change. The
controller changes PID and heater range settings as the setpoint passes through different zones.
Two heater settings provide 25 W or 50 W maximum and accommodate a variety of cryogenic systems. The
Model 330 power output is a quiet, variable DC current for as little noise coupling as possible between the
heater and experiment. If lower power is required, two lower ranges are available with either of the settings.
Both IEEE-488 and Serial Interfaces provide remote access to data from the Model 330 and allows setting of
most front panel functions.
Figure 1-1. Model 330 Temperature Controller Front Panel