Lake Shore Model 330 Autotuning Temperature Controller User’s Manual
A system normally takes several time constants to settle into the set point, e.g. the 50 second time constant, if
correct for the controlled system, results in a stable set point in about 5 to 10 minutes.
The oscillation period measured in determining the appropriate gain equals the desire reset time. Divide this
number in seconds into 1000 and set the result into the RESET register. This result is the number of repeats
per 1000 seconds. If the system did not oscillate at the highest gain setting, use the following procedure.
Stabilize the temperature at a high gain setting. Change the set point downward by one or two degrees and
observe the time that it takes for the temperature to change 60% of this excursion. Use this number as the
reset time; divide it into 1000 and set in the result as the RESET value.
Setting Rate (Derivative)
Adjusts rate time constant of derivative (D) in the control function. Enter a value between 0 and 200% of 1/4
the reset time. In manual mode, rate is normally set at 1/4 the reset time in seconds (100%), because larger
values may cause system instability. To enter a rate value, press the
key. The lower Control window display
shows the current D setting (the default setting is 100) with the units place blinking. Use the numeric keypad to
enter a new setting. Press
to accept the new setting or
to return the normal display and retain
the old setting.
The rate time constant is normally between 1/4 and 1/8 the reset time constant, if it is used at all. Start with
settings of either 0, 50 or 100% and determine which setting yields the desired control. Don’t be surprised if
the preference for your system is 0 (OFF). Because it is a percent of reset time constant, rate scales
automatically with changes in the reset value and does not have to be revisited frequently.
Effect of Temperature on Tuning Parameters
As temperature increases, system gain normally increases. Consequently, if sensor sensitivity is relatively
constant, you can normally increase the controller gain with increasing temperature.
System gain is a product of controller gain and sensor gain. For example, for a silicon diode at 25 K the
sensor sensitivity (dV/dT) is approximately an order of magnitude larger than it is at 35 K. If load parameters
do not change greatly, neither does system gain. Therefore, increase controller gain to compensate for the
reduction in sensor sensitivity.
Usually, system time response slows down as temperature increases. Therefore, after determining a valid
reset at a particular temperature, increasing the temperature decreases the reset value which in turn
increases the time constant. Conversely, decreasing temperature increases the reset value which in turn
decreases the time constant.
3.3.6 Zone
The Model 330 allows up to 10 custom temperature zones where the controller automatically uses pre-
programmed PID settings and heater range. Configure the zones using 01 as the lowest to 10 as the highest
zone in K. Copy Figure 3-4 to plan zones, then use the manual to record final zone settings. Paragraph 3.4.4
lists default zones.
Although Zone tuning can be activated from the front panel, the IEEE-488 or Serial Interface is the only way to
set up the zones. See Paragraph 4.3.4 for ZONE and ZONE? commands.
After zone setup, place the controller in zone mode. Hold the
key and press the
key to cycle the
display to Zone. Once zone is turned on, the instrument updates control settings each time the setpoint
changes to a new zone. If the settings are changed manually, the controller uses the new setting while it is in
the same zone and update to the zone table settings when the setpoint changes to a value outside that zone.
This feature is most effective when combined with the ramp rate feature. The user can potentially ramp
through all 10 zones from 1.4 K to room temperature by changing only the setpoint. The controller
automatically changes PID and heater range settings as the temperature setpoint passes through the different