Korenix Technology Co., Ltd.
Layer 3 Managed Ethernet Switch
Industrial Layer 3 Managed Ethernet SwitchUser Manual
Page: 953/1246
Leave Time (centiseconds)
- Specifies the time to wait after receiving an unregister request for a
VLAN or multicast group before deleting the associated entry, in centiseconds. This allows time for
another station to assert registration for the same attribute in order to maintain uninterrupted service.
An instance of this timer exists for each GARP participant for each port. Permissible values are 30 to
600 centiseconds (0.3 to 6.0 seconds). The factory default is 60 centiseconds (0.6 seconds).
Leave All Time (centiseconds)
-This Leave All Time controls how frequently LeaveAll PDUs are
generated. A LeaveAll PDU indicates that all registrations will shortly be deregistered. Participants
will need to rejoin in order to maintain registration. An instance of this timer exists for each GARP
participant for each port. The Leave All Period Timer is set to a random value in the range of
LeaveAllTime to 1.5*LeaveAllTime. Permissible values are 200 to 6000 centiseconds (2 to 60
seconds). The factory default is 1000 centiseconds (10 seconds).
Command Buttons
- Refresh the data on the screen with the present state of the data in the switch.