Korenix Technology Co., Ltd.
Layer 3 Managed Ethernet Switch
Industrial Layer 3 Managed Ethernet SwitchUser Manual
Page: 852/1246
Inform Receiver Configuration
This menu will display an entry for every active SNMP Inform Receiver.
Selection Criteria
- You can use this screen to reconfigure an existing community or SNMP user, or
to create a new one. Use this pull-down menu to select one of the existing community names or
SNMP user, or select 'Create' to add a new one.
Configurable Data
Admin Mode
- You can use this screen to enable or disable the inform function.
Inform Retries
- Specify how many times to resend the inform. The valid retry value is 0 to 100.
Default retry value is 3 times.
Inform Timeout
- Specify how many seconds does the switch to wait for the inform ACK. If the
inform ACK is not received within the configured timeout value, switch will resend the inform
according to the retry setting. The valid timeout value is 0 to 1000 seconds. Default timeout value is
15 seconds.
SNMP Version
- Select the inform version to be used by the receiver from the pull down menu:
SNMP v2 - Uses SNMP v2 to send informs to the receiver.
SNMP v3 - Uses SNMP v3 to send informs to the receiver.
- Select IPv4, IPv6 or DNS to configure the corresponding attributes.
Security Level
- Select the SNMP User's security status from the pull-down menu:
noAuthNoPriv - Authentication Protocol is "None".
authNoPriv - Authentication Protocol is setting and Encryption Protocol is "None".
authPriv - Both Authentication Protocol and Encryption Protocol is setting.
- Select the receiver's status from the pull-down menu:
Enable - Send informs to the receiver
Disable - Do not send informs to the receiver.