BlueShadow Pump 80P Instructions V7685
Analog input
Before operating this
configuration, change to the
Network configuration and set
the external communication
port of the pump to Analog (see
Cntl. Interface).
Configure the analog input of
the remote connector for an
external flow rate control:
Actual interpreted flow:
0.000 ml/min
Procedure: Set to Zero
Define an applied input
voltage as zero point with the
flow rate of 0.000 ml/min. If
a deviating positive control
voltage is applied, a resulting
flow rate is displayed at actu-
al interpreted flow, based on
the basic setting:
10 ml corresponds to
1 V for the 100 ml pump
50 ml corresponds to
1 V for the 500 ml pump
This flow rate value can
be changed. Thus, a se-
cond calibration point is
generated, which modi-
fies the scaling.
Time constant: Set the time
constant for analog input to
be used for signal smoothing
(0.1-10.0 S). The larger the
value of the selected time
constant, the stronger the
applied signal smoothing.
Event check
Testing the events of the pin
header connectors.
Start-IN and Error-IN: Status
at the digital inputs.
Active only: Connects Event 1
to Event 8 and 24 V.