Appendix E: Intel
Server Issue Report Form
Server Chassis P4000M Service Guide
Appendix E: Intel
Server Issue Report Form
Issue Report Form (Rev 3.5)
Filling out this form completely is required for any escalation.
Customer Contact Information:
Customer Support Case#
Server Board or System:
(Example: S2600CP, P4308XXMFEN)
Server Chassis:
(Example PXXXX. If third-party chassis used, indicate make and model.)
Base Board Information:
(Some information may be found by accessing BIOS and
going through the Server Management menu -> System Information)
Baseboard PBA/TA/AA # (Example: 123456-789):
- You can find this on the white sticker label on the baseboard.
System BIOS Version:
Remote Management Module Firmware Version (if applicable):
Management Module BMC Revision (if applicable):
BMC/mBMC Version:
FRU/SDR Version:
HSC Version:
Has the latest BIOS been tried? (Yes/No):
Has the latest BMC/mBMC been tried? (Yes/No):
Has the latest IMM BMC been tried? (Yes/No):
Has the latest RMM Firmware been tried? (Yes/No):
Has the latest FRU/SDR been tried? (Yes/No):
Has the latest HSC been tried? (Yes/No):