Messages which occur can be split into Warnings and Alarm messages.
Please note that alarms generally cause the machine to stop temperature control. An
alarm message is immediately displayed as text on the graphic display (60).
After the reason for the alarm has been repaired, the machine must be switched off
using the main switch (36), and then switched on again in order to reset the alarm.
Warnings do not normally cause the machine to stop temperature control, however they
give information concerning critical conditions within the machine or environment. If the
conditions leading to the warning message are not improved, then there is a danger that
the machine will stop with an alarm, as generally alarm limits are then exceeded.
After the alarm or warning message has been acknowledged, then the graphic display
(60) shows in the left upper corner a symbol (a stop sign for alarm messages, a triangle
with an exclamation mark for warnings). By turning the rotary knob / key (61),
alternatively by lightly touching the screen (with Unistat Pilot) the symbol can be
selected. By pressing the rotary knob / key (61) a further information window opens up,
in which the alarm or warning messages are chronologically shown. Turning the rotary
knob / key (61) allows specific messages to be chosen.