Convention Description
names are inside square brackets. For example, pop
up the [New User] window.
Multi-level menus are separated by forward slashes.
For example, [File/Create/Folder].
IV. Keyboard operation
Format Description
Press the key with the key name inside angle
brackets. For example, <Enter>, <Tab>,
<Backspace>, or <A>.
Press the keys concurrently. For example,
<Ctrl+Alt+A> means the three keys should be
pressed concurrently.
<Key1, Key2>
Press the keys in turn. For example, <Alt, A> means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.
V. Mouse operation
Action Description
Press the left button or right button quickly (left button
by default).
Double Click
Press the left button twice continuously and quickly.
Press and hold the left button and drag it to a certain