Mailing Address:
Hewlett-Packard Far East (Pte) Ltd.
438 Alexandra Road
#07-01/04 Alexandra Point
Singapore 119958
HP First Faxback Service:
Automated system to request product information or technical support documents to be faxed to you free of charge. Available 24 hours a day.
Telephone: 275 7251
Fax Machine:
Faxes are answered within 48 hours.
Fax Number: 274 2033
Telephone Support:
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 17:00
Telephone: 272-5300
Taiwan (ROC)
Mailing Address:
Hewlett Packard Customer
Support Center
8F, 337, Fu-Hsing North Road,
Taipei 104, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Fax Machine:
Faxes are answered within 48
Fax Number: +866 2 251
Telephone Support:
Hours of Operation: Monday -
Friday, 8:30 - 17:30
Telephone: +866 2 27 170055
¥xÆW (ROC)
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Taiwan, R.O.C.
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