Blinking Amber Lightbar
Please examine the
on the appliance. How does it appear?
Lit with the error icon
Failed network icon
Failed hard disk icon
Temperature alert icon
Voltage alert icon
Lit with the message "Capacity Licence Violation"
Lit with the message "CD-ROM drive not detected"
Lit with the message "SCSI Interface Card Failure"
Lit with the message "Secondary HDD Failure"
Unlit Lightbar
Please examine the
on the appliance. How does it appear?
- This is the appliance's normal unpowered state.
Lit and with other icons
Green Lightbar. LCD lit, with icons
Examine the square on the left side of the LCD. What does it look like?
Click on the appropriate icon below :
Green Lightbar. LCD lit but blank
Does the appliance keep beeping?
Troubleshooting, Diagnosis
file:///D|/ADMIN_~1/eng/trouble/diag.htm (3 of 6) [5/3/2000 3:34:16 PM]