CM4 Four-Point Continuous Monitor
CM4 Technical Manual
Get Pyrolyzer Temperatures - 0x42
This command returns the temperatures of the four pyrolyzers, in
integer degrees Celsius the slave’s internal temperature. This is applies
to a model CM4-P ONLY.
Command Packet to slave:
Command Code (0x42) - 1 byte
Response from slave:
Command code (0x42) - 1 byte
CM4 date - 2 bytes
CM4 time - 2 bytes
pyrolyzer temp pt1 - 2 bytes
pyrolyzer temp pt2 - 2 bytes
pyrolyzer temp pt3 - 2 bytes
pyrolyzer temp pt4 - 2 bytes
Status - 1 byte (always 0x00 as implemented)
Get Pump Limits - 0x43
This command returns the user’s settings for pump limits.
Command Packet to slave:
Command Code (0x43) - 1 byte
Response from slave:
Command code (0x43) - 1 byte
CM4 date 2 bytes
CM4 time 2 bytes
High Limit - 2 bytes (defaults to 600)
Low Limit - 2 bytes (defaults to 400)
Status - 1 byte (always 0x00 as currently implemented)
Get Filter Life - 0x44
This command returns the user’s settings for total filter lifetime. Lifetime
is set by the user to indicate how often the filters should be changed. A
maintenance fault will be issued when the filters are this old. The valid
range is 30 to 365 days. Zero lifetime means a filter maintenance.
Command Packet to slave:
Command Code (0x44) - 1 byte
Response from slave:
Command code (0x44) - 1 byte
CM4 date - 2 bytes
CM4 time - 2 bytes
Internal filter life - 2 bytes
External filter life - 2 bytes
Status - 1 byte (always 0x00 as currently implemented)