CM4 Four-Point Continuous Monitor
CM4 Technical Manual
Get One Alarm - 0x47
This packet returns the oldest unread entry from the alarm history. It
duplicates the functionality of packet 0x36 in a form that some masters
may find more convenient. Note that this packet causes an alarm to
be marked as read in the same way as packet 36. If no unread entries
exist in the history, the response packet will contain zeros in the alarm
date field.
Command packet to slave:
Command Code (0x47) - 1 byte
Response packet from slave:
Command Code (0x47) - 1 byte
CM4 Date - 2 bytes
CM4 Time - 2 bytes
Alarm Date - 2 bytes
Alarm Time - 2 bytes
Gas abbreviation - 6 bytes (not null terminat’d)
Point number - 1 byte
bits 0-1 point number
bits 2-7 undefined
Concentration - 4 bytes (in IEEE floating point
Alarm Level - 1 byte
bit 0: alarm level
0= level 1
1= level 2
bits 1-7: undefined
E.4 Configuration and Directive Commands
These are the commands and responses that the CM4 system will
support for remote control and configuration.
Set K-Factor - 0x50
This command configures the manual K-Factor for a specific point. An
individual point is given a K-Factor times 1000. The K-Factor is used
to change the sensitivity of a point in the range of 0.200-5.000.
Command packet to instrument:
Command Code (0x50) - 1 byte
Point # - 1 byte
bit 0-1: Point to set K-Factor
00 = Point 1
01 = Point 2
10 = Point 3
11 = Point 4
bits 2-7: Undefined
K-Factor (x 1000) value - 2 bytes (200-5000)
Response packet from instrument:
Command Code (0x50) - 1 byte
CM4 Date - 2 bytes
CM4 Time - 2 bytes
Status - 1 byte
0x00 = Point configured and verified
0x01 = Factor <0.200
0x02 = Factor >5.000
0xff = Save problem, K-Factor unchanged