CM4 Four-Point Continuous Monitor
CM4 Technical Manual
Program Chemcassette Counter - 0x56
This command enables/disables the Chemcassette counter. When
enabled, the system will provide a fault when there is approximately
24 hours of Chemcassette remaining.
Command packet to instrument:
Command Code (0x56) - 1 byte
Enable/disable -1 byte
bit 0: Enable/disable the Chemcassette
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
bits 1-7: Undefined
Response packet from instrument:
Command Code (0x56) - 1 byte
CM4 Date - 2 bytes
CM4 Time -2 bytes
Return Status - 1 byte
0x00 = Counter is enable/disable
0x01 = No windows left
0x02 = Maintenance status exists (Low Chemcassette)
0xff = Error in programming counter
Set Printer Configuration - 0x57
This command configures the printer for output.
Command packet to instrument:
Command Code (0x57) - 1 byte
Setup Status - 1 byte
bit 0: Printer port enable/disable
bits 1-2: Printer Report format
00 = Continuous (prints all conc. for each pt)
01 = Summary (prints alarms, faults,
and TWA only)
10 = Compressed (prints conc.
11 = Invalid
bits 3-5: Printer baud rate
000 = 1200
001 = 2400
010 = 4800
011 = 9600
100 = 19200
bit 6: printer hardware handshaking (flow control)
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
bit 7: Undefined
Response packet from instrument:
Command Code (0x57) - 1 byte
CM4 Date - 2 bytes
CM4 Time - 2 bytes
Status Flag - 1 byte
0x00 = Printer programmed
0x01 = Invalid report format
0xff = Printer programming error