CM4 Four-Point Continuous Monitor
CM4 Technical Manual
E.3 Protocol Command Definition
E.3.1 Status and Query Commands
These commands indicate the function and expected response
format for each command. Command numbers are in hexadecimal.
If a specific response is required, the response packet will have the
same command code as the command packet sent to the slave. If no
specific response packet is specified, a general ACK response is sent
to acknowledge the command.
NOP - 0x28
This is used to test for communication between the master and the
specified slave.
Command packet to instrument:
Command Code (0x28) - 1 byte
Get System Information - 0x30
This packet requests information about the slave system only and the
software version currently in use.
Command packet to instrument:
Command Code (0x30) - 1 byte
Response packet from instrument:
Command Code (0x30) - 1 byte
CM4 Date - 2 bytes
CM4 Time - 2 bytes
Serial # - 2 bytes, product code 851 is
Software Rev.
Major - 1 byte
Minor - 1 byte
VIP - 2 bytes - 0xFFFF as default
Prom Check Sums
MSB PROM - 2 bytes
LSB PROM - 2 bytes
Status - 1 byte
0x00 Read verified
0xff Error in reading
Software Rev. Examples
01/07/FFFF - Rev. 1.07
03/0C/FFFF - Rev. 3.12
03/0C/0066 - Rev. 3.12-102
04/12/017A - Rev 4.18-378