Hofmann Megaplan Service Manual megaline SSENCE
SSENCE 400/600
Page 48 of 52
Next step is the connection between SSENCE PC and ANDROID device by WLAN. For this a Router
or a hotspot must be installed on the SSENCE computer. For the installation of this router please refer
the manual of routers manufacturer. For testing it is not necessary to encrypt the connection.
It is necessary to define an access point on the aligner computer's that the tablet can connect as client.
(usually this is Soft AP mode)
Now connect the ANDROID device to the router by WLAN connection.
I there is a good working connection start the SSENCE app on android. After searching the IP address
the ANDROID device is showing the start screen.
If the system does not connect at once, press the IP search button and the OK button a few time.
You also see on the aligner PC if there is a valid connection.
Now start working with the aligner software. (Not all sequences will be shown also on the ANDROID
After select the loading weights and fuel filling from the vehicle the tablet will start to work and is active
now for the rest of the alignment.
Print out the alignment form must be done on the alignment PC. You can not print out from remote
control. If the ANDROID device is ready to connect and logged in, the application working
automatically after next starting.