Hofmann Megaplan Service Manual megaline SSENCE
SSENCE 400/600
Page 11 of 52
2.2.5 Camera bar runs over the limiter switch (400M and 600):
The way of the camera bar is restricted by two metal sensors on top and bottom.
These are triggered by an attached piece of metal on the side of the camera bar.
The function can be tested easily if you hold a wrench in front of the sensors. The camera bar
must stop immediately. (Red LED burning) If this is not the case, check connector of the
switch. If this is OK change the part.
If something was changed in the machine or after new installation it can be, that the cables
are mixed up or not connected.
Normally the upper switch interrupts the upward
movement, the lower switch breaks the downward
motion of the camera bar. If the cables are mixed
up, the upward movement is reacting to the lower
switch and vice versa.
Check if connectors are OK and exchange the
plugs from 10 and 20
The movement of camera bar is also wrong if the cable between bridge- and
connect board is connected wrong. If all the limiter switches seem OK, please
try this.. (see also page 7)