Hofmann Megaplan Service Manual megaline SSENCE
SSENCE 400/600
Page 47 of 52
6.8 Install ANDROID® remote control
With software version 14.09.0901 (or later) it is possible to install a remote control of the software with
an ANDROID® device. This can be a mobile phone or a tablet. (No IPhone)
This file is delivered with the SSENCE software and is stored in D:/SSENCE:
First step: copy files to the ANDROID® device
plug your device with a USB cable on the SSENCE computer and transfer the SSENCE.APK file to
the device.
Start the SSENCE.APK file with a file manager.on the device.
The software needs ADOBE AIR to run
correct, if this is not installed, the SSENCE.APK will download the latest ADOBE AIR for your Android
version from Google play center. To have the latest update allow this, please.
A little icon should appear on the device.
Now is the right time to disable all firewalls working in the windows session.
Usually there is no need of a firewall if you do not enter the Internet. Do not
forget to activate, if the aligner should be connected to Internet again.
Follow the steps in the panel to disable all the firewalls.