Hofmann Megaplan Service Manual megaline SSENCE
SSENCE 400/600
Page 32 of 52
4.11 ERROR USB CONNECTION while starting
- Check all connections on the backside of PC.,
- Check connections on the camera conroll board
- Check power supply (chapter 4.6)
- Check entries in the device manager and check for correct driver (chapter 4.9)
- Change camera control board.
4.12 Numbers close to car ICON in the middle of the screen.
The little icon shows values for reflection (See also Point 3.6)
- The smaller the value the better
- If values are over 100 the reflection of the targets is too bad.
Clean targets.
Remove foreign bodies.
User smooth cleaner for targets. Take care that cleaning fluid will no come between glass
and measuring dots.
Due to the increased reflectance values occur sometimes substantial delays in the
processing time of the machine.
Is a red wheel as shown here, the contact between the target and the camera is faulty.