18.3.2 Programming Precautions
Program with the specified voltages and timing.
The programming voltage (V
) in PROM mode is 12.5 V.
Applied voltages in excess of the rated values can permanently destroy the chip. Be
particularly careful about the PROM programmer’s overshoot characteristics.
If the PROM programmer is set to Hitachi HN27C101 specifications, V
will be 12.5 V.
Before programming, check that the chip is correctly mounted in the PROM programmer.
Overcurrent damage to the chip can result if the index marks on the PROM programmer,
socket adapter, and chip are not correctly aligned.
Don’t touch the socket adapter or chip while programming. Touching either of these can
cause contact faults and write errors.
Select the programming mode carefully. The chip cannot be programmed in page
programming mode.
The H8/3048 PROM size is 128 kbytes. Set the address range to H'00000 to H'1FFFF.